Inspire Create Animate

Lion animation by Cardiff animation company and studio Turnip Starfish

Animation & illustration production company & workshop provider based in Cardiff since 2009

Workshops with Cardiff animation company Turnip Starfish

Workshops Education

Animation production with Cardiff animation studio Turnip Starfish

Animation Production

Animated explainer videos with Cardiff company Turnip Starfish

Explainer Videos

Animated social media adverts with Cardiff animation company Turnip Starfish

Social Media Adverts

Sprite and games animation with Cardiff animation company Turnip Starfish

Games Animation

Illustration and comic art with Cardiff animation company Turnip Starfish

Illustration & Comics

illustration by Cardiff company Turnip Starfish

Cardiff Animation Company Turnip Starfish have been animating and teaching since 2009.
We create vibrant environments that inspire and allow our pupils, both young and old, to become amazing artists.
As artists and animators, we have a history of producing animation for television, mobile phones, online platforms and computer games.
At our workshops we inspire the next generation of artists – our workshops in animation, manga drawing, cartoon drawing, digital art, life drawing and more have encouraged participants across South Wales, Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Bristol and beyond to develop their skills and reach their goals.

Our pupils are our greatest achievement.

Our Next Workshops

Animation image from turnip starfish

Lexemon’s Manga & Anime Blog

want more manga?

New to anime and manga or just started? This is for both young people and parents who want to know more.

Free Drawing Tutorials

Lexy is drawing Rowlet from Pokémon. Join in and draw along!

How to draw Shinra from Fire Force.

Lexémon shows you how to draw your own picture of Vanellope from Disney’s Wreck-it Ralph.

Join Nick drawing an Orc.

Join Lexy on the long draw as she draws Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa.

In this video Lexy draws Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa.

Lexy is drawing Popplio from Pokémon. Join in and draw along!

Today Lexy is drawing Shinso from My Hero Academia.

Our Happy Creatives!

"She learnt so much, and came away inspired. They are now at University of South Wales in the first year of their 2D and stop motion animation degree and is absolutely loving it. Thank you so much, keep doing your fantastic work for these brilliant young people!"
Nicky Woodman - email
"Turnip Starfish provide incredible animations. They deliver on time, on budget and provide creative input along the way. A massive thank you to the team for pulling together characters and narratives that turn dry subjects into engaging content."

Cynon Taf Community Housing Group

“I just wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you for your wonderful life drawing workshops that you led with our students. They all talked so fondly about you and found your sessions so beneficial”
Ginnie Bateman - Illustration Lecturer - Coleg Gwent
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